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主办单位:北京千才汇信息技术有限公司 | 承办单位:云就业平台 活动形式:空中视频双选会 参与单位:报名中 查看参与高校列表>>
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工作地址:招聘职位:学历要求:发布时间:2018-12-19 发稿编辑:高校师资网

in the Endothelium for Cancer Therapy. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 2017; 23(3):197-200. (IF: 11.021)

  5Hou P, Liu D, Shan Y, Hu S, et al. Genetic alterations and their relationship in the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway in thyroid cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2007; 13(4):1161-70. (IF: 10.2)

  6Hou P, Liu D, Xing M*. The T1790A BRAF mutation (L597Q) in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a functional oncogene. Leukemia. 2007; 21(10):2216-8. (IF: 10.023)

  7Hou P, Ji M, Ge C, Shen J, Li S, He N, Lu Z*. Detection of methylation of human p16(Ink4a) gene 5'-CpG islands by electrochemical method coupled with linker-PCR. Nucleic Acids Res. 2003; 31(16):e92. (IF: 11.561)

  8He W, Yan J, Jiang W, li S, Qu Y, Niu F, Yan Y, Sui F, Wang S, Zhou Y, Jin L, Ji M, Ma PX, Liu M, lu W, Hou P*. Peptide-Induced Self-Assembly of Therapeutics into a Well-Defined Nanoshell with Tumor-Triggered Shape and Charge Switch. Chem. Mater. 2018; 30:7034-7046. (IF: 9.89)

  9Li H, Tian Z, Qu Y, Yang Q, Guan H, Shi B, Ji M, Hou P*. SIRT7 promotes thyroid tumorigenesis through phosphorylation and activation of Akt and p70S6K1 via DBC1/SIRT1 axis. Oncogene. 2018 Aug 9. (IF: 6.854)

  10Qu Y, Yang Q, Liu J, Shi B, Ji M, Li G, Hou P*. c-Myc is required for BRAFV600E-induced epigenetic silencing by H3K27me3 in tumorigenesis. Theranostics. 2017; 7(8):2092-2107. (IF: 8.537)

  11Hou P*, Chen Z, Ji M, He N, Lu Z*. Real-time PCR assay for ultrasensitive quantification of DNA-binding proteins. Clin Chem. 2007; 53(4):581-6. (IF: 8.636)

  12Bian Z, Yan J, Wang S, Li Y, Guo Y, Ma B, Guo H, Lei Z, Yin C, Zhou Y, Liu M, Tao K, Hou P*, He W*. Awakening p53 in vivo by D-peptides-functionalized ultra-small nanoparticles: Overcoming biological barriers to D-peptide drug delivery. Theranostics. 2018; 8(19):5320-5335. (IF: 8.537)

  13Li Y, Li X, Pu J, Yang Q, Guan H, Ji M, Shi B, Chen M, Hou P*. c-Myc Is a Major Determinant for Antitumor Activity of Aurora A Kinase Inhibitor MLN8237 in Thyroid Cancer. Thyroid. 2018 Oct 16. (IF: 7.557)

  14Qu Y, Dang S, Wu K, Shao Y, Yang Q, Ji M, Shi B, Hou P*. TERT promoter mutations predict worse survival in laryngeal cancer patients. Int J Cancer. 2014;135(4):1008-1010. (IF: 7.36)

  15Qu Y, Shi L, Wang D, Zhang B, Yang Q, Ji M, Shi B, Hou P*. Low frequency of TERT promoter mutations in a large cohort of gallbladder and gastric cancers. Int J Cancer. 2014;134(12):2993-2994. (IF: 7.36)

  其它SCI论文请链接 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=peng+hou


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