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主办单位:北京千才汇信息技术有限公司 | 承办单位:云就业平台 活动形式:空中视频双选会 参与单位:报名中 查看参与高校列表>>
报名中: 50+ 报名进行中……
2024-12-27 报名中
报名中 参与单位:报名中 举办时间:2024.12.27 9:00-16:00
全国招聘热线:13121042579 QQ客户服务:191767074 邮箱:gxszwhr@163.com


工作地址:招聘职位:学历要求:发布时间:2016-01-13 发稿编辑:高校师资网

Hanqing Advanced Institute of Economics and Finance is founded in 2007 by Renmin University of China (RUC), a leading Chinese university in economics and finance located in Beijing, China. As a separate research institute that follows western practice, our mission is to establish a world-class faculty with a strong focus on frontier research, high-quality graduate teaching, and active international exchanges and cooperation.

This year we have openings for multiple positions in the Economics Department and Finance Department. We welcome candidates specializing in Monetary Economics, Microeconomic Theory and Industrial Organization in Economics and all related fields of Finance. We especially welcome seasoned candidates with solid track records of publications of importance and impact. Junior candidates are expected to possess Ph.D. degree by August 2016 and show evidence of promising research.

Hanqing institute offers excellent research environment and support, competitive salary, research grant and housing subsidy. Hanqing Institute is an English-friendly environment. We welcome applicants of all nationalities. We will conduct interviews at the AEA annual meeting in San Francisco in January 2016. All application materials (including cover letter, CV, job market paper, and reference letters) should be sent via e-mail to: hanqingruc@gmail.com no later than December 1st, 2015.

Application Instructions:

Contact: Faculty Recruiting Committee, Hanqing Advanced Institute of Economics and Finance, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China;

Phone: 86-10-62511908.

Website: www.hanqing.ruc.edu.cn/en/.

Email for Applications: hanqingruc@gmail.com

Informational URL: http://www.hanqing.ruc.edu.cn/en/

投递招聘简历时请注明来源于:高校师资网 https://www.gxszw.com/,提供博士人才招聘信息研究生人才招聘信息。为高校、科研机构、事业单位提供各岗位的高层次人才!

