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主办单位:北京千才汇信息技术有限公司 | 承办单位:云就业平台 活动形式:空中视频双选会 参与单位:报名中 查看参与高校列表>>
报名中: 50+ 报名进行中……
2024-12-27 报名中
报名中 参与单位:报名中 举办时间:2024.12.27 9:00-16:00
全国招聘热线:13121042579 QQ客户服务:191767074 邮箱:gxszwhr@163.com


工作地址:广东省 - 深圳市招聘职位:学历要求:见正文发布时间:2023-11-01 发稿编辑:高校师资网


Research Professor/ Research Associate Professor /Research Assistant Professor

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Demonstrating a keen interest in and a deep understanding of the development of contemporary China, with the ability to conduct in-depth academic and policy research on economics, politics, public policy, foreign policy, security, global governance, and other related issues;

2. Participating in consulting activities of think tanks, providing decision-making consulting services to government departments, and proficiently producing policy reports;

3. Independently undertaking key projects in relevant professional fields and composing relevant reports or papers;

4. Participating in or leading related activities organized by the Institute, including academic forums, round table discussions, and public lectures;

5. Fostering exchange and cooperation between the Institute and other research institutions worldwide, and actively contributing to other related projects or tasks for the overall success of the Institute.

Qualifications and Requirements:

1. A Ph.D. degree in a relevant discipline, preferably international relations, political science, economics, sociology, or other related fields;

2. Applicants with outstanding research experience in the following fields are preferred: public policy, international relations, international political economy, economics, big data, or a related discipline. Applicants with a science and engineering background who present a keen interest in the mentioned fields are also encouraged to apply.

3. Applicants should demonstrate exceptional skills in policy analysis and a solid foundation in scientific research. Those with a distinguished track record of high-quality publications are preferred;

4. There are no age restrictions for applicants. Those who have participated in or presided over major government projects and written development reports are preferred;

5. Applicants should be proficient in both Chinese and English as the working languages to write research papers and policy reports.

Salary and Benefits:

1. Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Exceptional candidates may be eligible for additional negotiable benefits;

2. Sufficient funding support will be provided for scientific research projects and team building initiatives;

3.The Institute will support applications for various international/national/provincial/municipal talent programs and grants;

4. Benefits provided by the University/Institute include but are not limited to accommodation rental allowance, bonuses, six social insurance and one fund, festival welfare, regular health checks, free shuttle service, etc. The children of CUHK-Shenzhen employees are entitled to be enrolled in the University’s affiliated schools and kindergartens.

5. Employees will benefit from the strong resource network of the Institute and have the opportunity to interact with prominent figures in academia, politics, media, and business.

Application Procedure

Applicants should submit the following materials to iia-hr@cuhk.edu.cn. The subject line of the email should be "Vacancy Title + Full Name":

1. Resume (including educational background, work experience, papers, research experience, and achievements, etc.);

2. Hard copy of publications;

3. Graduation certificates and other relevant supporting materials.

4. At least 2 Letters of Reference

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